
"Deforestation is defined as “the direct and/or induced conversion of forest cover to another type of land cover in a given timeframe of 10 years”.

The table shows annual deforestation expressed in hectares; these stratified estimated areas are obtained after the execution of the Quality Assessment Quality Control.

These deforestation figures are based on wall-to-wall maps, where for the period 2000-2017 Landsat images are used, and for the periods after 2017 Sentinel 2 images are used. The maps underwent a Quality Assessment| Quality Control procedure with an average overall accuracy of 90% and an average uncertainty of 10%.

Disclaimer: The statistics presented throughout reports may vary due to differences in methodological approaches.

Showing 11-13 of 13 items.

Quality Assessment Quality Control (QAQC) results
PeriodYearly stratified estimated deforestation area (ha)Confidence interval (+/- area in ha)Deforestation rate